
Obtaining a divorce can be expensive, time consuming, and emotionally draining. If you expect your divorce to be mutually agreeable, civil, and uncontested, Divorce Mediation might be the answer. If you are interested in avoiding family lawyers and ending up in court, you can choose for a Family Mediator, and consult a lawyer before signing your Separation Agreement. Doing this can save money and make the process less adversarial. Here are some tips for couples who are agreeable, and seek an amicable divorce:

First, speak to your spouse to ascertain whether he or she is amenable to the idea of a mediated divorce. Next, choose an accredited family mediator. You’ll need to agree to full financial disclosure, consider your budget, and what child and spousal support will look like. Making a budget always helps. If you have children, you might also want the mediator to assist in creating a parenting plan with you.

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